10 Things Great IT Providers Always Do

What sets high-quality, reliable IT support apart from mediocre or substandard support? Is it lower prices? Flat-fee service? At Aldebaran Group, we believe there are many deciding factors that separate even the good from the great providers, but when our clients switch from their old companies to us, we get the same feedback over and over.

5 Essential Tech Tools To Grow Your Business And 2 You Should NOT Waste Your Money On

Growing your business involves learning how to make money and hang on to it responsibly. When you’re in the weeds, it’s easy to think that a fancy piece of well-marketed software could help dig your way out. That’s usually not the case, and you’ll likely end up paying for software that you dont need and barely use, and that burns through your bank account.

The Shocking Facts About The New FTC Safeguards Rule That Affect Nearly EVERY Small Business Operating Today

As former President Ronald Regan once said, the scariest words you’ll ever hear are “We’re from the government, and we’re here to help.”

In this case, the government is trying to help by forcing nearly all businesses to implement and maintain a strong cyber security program to protect the customer information these companies host – definitely not a bad thing, and all businesses should take this seriously without the government mandating it.

Facebook Owes You Money!

How To Apply For Your Share Of Facebook’s Recent $725 Million Privacy Lawsuit

Here’s a shocker: Facebook is being forced to pay a whopping $725 million in a settlement following a number of lawsuits claiming they violated users’ privacy.

3 Tech And Automation Strategies Businesses Must Have Now To Stay Competitive, Profitable And Thriving This Year

Covid changed everyone’s lives in dramatic ways on many levels – but small and big businesses alike were radically impacted, from events, restaurants and retail being shut down to sending everyone home to work remote.

It’s no surprise that the tech sector thrived during this time, from remote work solutions to online ordering, telemedicine, virtual events and more.

How The New FTC Safeguards Rule Will Radically Change How Even Small Businesses Operate

A little over a year ago, the FTC made several amendments to the existing Safeguards Rule requiring even very small businesses to ensure the protection of client data. These changes, set to go into effect back in December of 2022, are now going to be enforced starting June 9, 2023 – and it’s very likely that your business, regardless of how small or how your tech is being handled, WILL be required to implement certain new security protocols.